
1877 kars 4 kids song
1877 kars 4 kids song

I’ve seen buildings that are painted the ugliest colors you can imagine (neon orange, hot pink) and their websites or commercials say things like “Find us in the neon orange building on Main Street!” Ugly color, sure, but I certainly remember what the place is when I pass by their outrageous building. Remember the Chia Pet? I bet you can sing that song, too. Jingles, slogans, logos can all drive you nuts, but you certainly remember them. Plenty of companies use annoying tactics to do their marketing. Marketing Your Product Through Annoyance?Īnnoying people to market things is … well, annoying … but it works. The Kars4Kids song drove me crazy to the point that I’d get mad when it was somehow stuck in my head all day. I’d be sitting at my desk working and catch myself humming the tune, or driving my kaaar … er, sorry, car … and wind up tapping the rhythm out on the steering wheel. It would get stuck in my head for the rest of the day, and it would strike me at any time in any place.

1877 kars 4 kids song

Imagine that little tune being sung by a squeaky-voiced child (or go to Kars 4 Kids if you’d like to hear it for yourself) and you can see why that little jingle drove me nuts every single time I heard it. Sounds like a decent organization, right? The description of them I just offered is quite a mouthful, though, so would you like to know how I learned about the group? You’ll get rid of the car that you no longer use, receive a tax write-off, and help some kids in the process. They will arrange to have your donated car towed from your property.

1877 kars 4 kids song 1877 kars 4 kids song

It’s a nonprofit charity group that accepts donations of used cars to raise money for disadvantaged children. Awhile back I heard of an organization called Kars4Kids.

1877 kars 4 kids song